Do not just leave the dogs together and hope they breed. Determine your dog’s body condition. A quantitative progesterone blood test is the single most accurate method for timing breedings. However, with human intervention in the form of limited schedules and/or compromised semen (chilled, frozen, or subfertile male), or if the dogs’ behavior and cycle do not match, ovulation timing is critical to enhance conception. German Shepard bitch), a majority of the 6-inch swab can be inserted. Vaginal cytology; Ultrasound examination of ovarian follicular activity; Hormone assay for either progesterone or LH. The concept is a good but until our local vets can perform tests in their office and give us on the spot test results they are not that functional for the average dog breeder. This may take days and can be time prohibitive. Contact us on 01543 42883. The timing of the breeding is important. Proestrus and estrus are commonly called “heat” or “season”. Breeding Management. Earliiest estimating breeding 4 - 6 days but could be longer (re test needed) 7 - 12 nmol/L Minimum 1 day before ovulation. Dachshund exhibiting the breed's characteristic short-legged phenotype. Vaginal cytology to look at the cells in the vagina; 3. The objective is to obtain a sample of epithelial cells from the vagina, and one should avoid sampling from the vestibule (i.e. ... Let your vet test your dog for brucellosis. Even in small dogs, the swab should be inserted several inches past the vulva; in large breed dogs (e.g. Estimated breeding window 2 - 4 days ... Target test. The canine estrous cycle consists of 4 phases: proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus. Beginning within the first week of estrus, include physical and reproductive system examination, serology, bacteriology, vaginal cytology, serial progesterone, and/or LH assays and vaginoscopy with planned natural or artificial breeding with follow-up progesterone assay to confirm complete ovulation and full luteal phase. Combined with observing the behavor of the dog and bitch, vaginal cytology, ovulation can be pinpointed with great accuracy in most bitches. Paw Angel provides Mobile Dog Ovulation & Fertility Test. Timing of breeding. Ovulation Timing in the Dog. Outside of a good old stud dog, the best method available to determine when to breed a bitch remains the vaginal smear. Breeding a dog is not something that should be taken lightly. just inside the vulva). While vaginal cytology is fairly reliable, all other methods are unreliable except for hormone assay. The breeding process takes time, patience, money and thoughtful consideration. The test is reported as a numeric result, usually ng/dl. Brucellosis is a bacterial infection caused by Brucella canis. The aim is to identify when the progesterone level reaches 5-10 ng/ml or more so the mating schedule can be set up, or the veterinarian and owner of the male dog can be notified that they should be prepared to collect and ship a semen sample. Left to their own devices, most dogs would breed at an appropriate time for conception. During proestrus, the start of the estrous cycle, the bitch attracts male dogs, but is still not receptive to breeding. Estimated window for breeding 3 - 5 days but could be longer ( re test recommended) 13 - 18 nmol/L Ovulation impending or just occurred. Determine when your bitch is prime for mating.We come to you! Breeding Management of the Bitch.