You likely figured out that the telescope can move and that at night you can see things (when else is a telescope useful?) By process of elimination we learn that many of those shapes are indeed possible without any sort of strange dimensional manipulation. Let’s go to Clock Tower now. (Industrial District), Part 8: Intermission (1st Playthrough Ending), Part 9: It Stinks Down Here! The top of the page lists content that is under review, either to obtain or keep a Good quality rating. Continuing on, return to Ancient 1 and go through the other door. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! Fez Cube Guide – Main Hub – Bell Tower Area By Todd Schlickbernd • 9 years ago • Guides Ahh, the Bell Tower , what wondrous mysteries are stored here! Invisible Block: These are present in the ghost area and are revealed by lightning and water droplets hitting them. This time, we won’t need a cipher though, just our brains, which we brought for you if you’ve lost yours somewhere. You may not know what these are yet and you shouldn’t, but you won’t know until you collect them, so do so. All rights reserved. Fez Cube Guide – Main Hub – Bell Tower Area By Todd Schlickbernd • 9 years ago • Guides Ahh, the Bell Tower , what wondrous mysteries are stored here! Yay Counting Cube! This door leads us to the Observatory! Near the mid-way of the Clock Tower is a door we bypassed in our fervor to see what time it is. If you do so, here’s what you’ll find. Again, we’re not quite sure where this starts, but the sequence goes like this: LT, RT, LT, RT, LT, RT – and then – LT, LT, LT, RT, LT, LT, RT, RT, LT, LT. Moving along, the Observatory has a bunch of end-game content. Back at the Observatory Hub, there are more places to go to! For starters, here’s the code for this very room: Up, Jump, Shift Right, Shift Left, Jump, Down, Shift Left, Shift Right. But soft! The developer suggested that the game would hopefully be released in 2015 and that future console conversions were a possibility. There’s a door midway through climbing the giant rock at Telescope 1, which you’re welcome to enter. If you have the map that looks like this place, we’ll help you solve it in the SPOILER ZONE, if not, keep it moving. Tome Artifact – Once you’ve picked up the bit from rotating the globe, simply drop down and rotate it twice more. Some invisible blocks appear in zones where the sky is clear, and the player has to consult treasure maps to find them. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. 3D Anti-Cube – Jump on top of the purple pillar here and go into first-person. Achievement unlocked: Haikus not Epics Unfortunately, their hugs are so powerful you get squished, which is no fun for you. Here’s how you solve the first one. Bit – Hop down to the floor and grab onto the left side of the globe (assuming you’re facing the ladder). There will come a time when you can do both these secrets (and indeed you can do one of them already, if you catch it), but for now let’s return to Telescope 1. If you haven’t already, this will help you decipher the Number System, the solution and hints for which are back in Zu. There’s a reason for that. Not in a million years. Yes, unfortunately for us, Phil publicly stated he would be leaving "games", sell off Polytron, and cancel FEZ II (RIP). Anyways, as per what we found in Zunu, each of these squiggles on the slabs can be broken up into Tetris pieces. Note that this guide does contain spoilers. So grab it. Your guide is great. There are four artifacts in the game, each with their own achievement. See La Squala, the fortified 18th-century wall of the city. FEZ is huge, period. Enter the the only area past the cubetower, then enter the only other door that you can enter (looks like a judicial building of sorts). This is a general puzzle-solution guide for Fez. Solution to the Black Monolith is right at the end of the guide. Chances are if you’re down here for a treasure map it’s because you found it. The very first bit of the Observatory is connecting straight up from the Main Hub. Cool right? Its visuals, mechanics, and puzzles are all based off those in the original. Shift Cipher – Jump onto the telescope and search the heavens (at night). Let’s solve this treasure map, shall we? Again, just jump on the stone and look around. Never would have completed the game without it. Do you make those shapes? Also… familiar? Now, you’re welcome to mark the time down and wait, but you can also turn you Xbox offline and manually change the time and date, we won’t tell anyone. If two blocks’ eyes meet, however, they’ll come together presumably for a loving hug. Each movement and action has a matching Tetris piece, and must be input in the order from left to right after properly rotating the code. You can just start from wherever then enter it all on a loop until it triggers. FUZ features a total of 8 distinct areas. That means only one thing. The red hand spawns a cube every minute, the blue is every hour, the green is every day and the white is every two days. For the second Anti-Cube of the clock tower, turn the perspective to show the blue hand of the clock. DO NOT HIT ACCEPT AND DO NOT CHANGE THE TIME YET. Time Switch – Start off by rotating the switch four times to get maximum time. You're the best. If you're stuck, the answer should be in here! Since this subject is always being asked about in the comments, I am making this section for people who want to know which keyboard buttons work in a tetris code. Following the discovery of the Shift Cipher we’ve got a puzzle to solve. There's also a literal clock tower in the game, which is involved in a particular Waiting Puzzle. There are two secrets here, one of which belongs in the SPOILER ZONE and one of which you can actually find out on your own. Polytron ha pubblicato oggi su Xbox Live la patch di Fez che va a eliminare diversi bug all'interno del titolo Live Arcade, come potete leggere in calce. There’s a cube and an owl here, so let’s get them both! It’s a wonderous thing, isn’t it? Just as they do, rotate right and you’ll continue to soar straight up. This place is pretty huh? If you just want to know how to find an anticube, artifact, etc then just look along the table of contents. Visit the famous clock tower, Art Deco buildings, and the eleven-story Moretti apartment block on Boulevard Mohammed V. Visit the famous residential blocks of the Glaoui, the Bessonneau, and the Asayag. Off to the side of the Telescope is a door, go ahead and enter it. Okay, NOW we’re in the Observatory Hub. QR Anti-Cube – Simply set the area to match the treasure map, with the pillar and the slab with words on it facing to the left. Then, starting with the block exactly adjacent to the elevated area, place a block on top, then two more to the left. – To Main Hub. In the next area is a four-sided room that has pictures eight pictures on the walls (two on each wall), a bookshelf, and what appears to be a fireplace. Secret Globe Room Turn the globe left once to find a bit. In this room is a stone slab with another squiggle on it (visit Zunu to learn more about that) and a strange stone with lights on it. Well they are, and they’re part of a code. And here’s the other one! Just wanted to say thanks, FEZ is one of my favorite games, and i miss things the first time I played it years ago, just revisited it with this help, cheers! There’s a door at the top left (facing the front of the throne) which you should definitely investigate. Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Nine Witches: Family Disruption Review: Gags and Ghosts, Stories Untold Review: A Melting Pot of Genres, The Falconeer Review: Clear Skies, Cloudy Combat, Exit the Gungeon review: war in an elevator. Krokopatra Blizzard Fez Krokopatra Inferno Fez Krokopatra Justice Fez Krokopatra Maelstrom Fez Krokopatra Oblivion Fez Total Drop Reports: 4 Wiki-Master Verified Drop Krokopatra Royal Fez Total Drop Reports: 3 Wiki-Master Verified Drop Krokopatra Vigor Fez Total Drop Reports: 4 Wiki-Master Verified Drop Krokopatra Wonder Fez He looks bored. Hop around and collect the bit here, then head into the Museum. These, when wound up, change aspects of the level until the large red and white bar recedes into the switch. I've tried to be as spoiler-free as possible but you may still have things inadvertently revealed you so take that as a warning. For Fez on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Clock Tower puzzle is shoddy game design". There are a few (very short) tracks and Logically speaking, inside the building is the actual telescope itself, complete with the ability to look through it! Where the Clock Tower series always employed its notion for being the victim in a stalker’s nightmarish world in a very mundane and ordinary fashion, Haunting Ground does so with a zing. I hope you enjoy this guide. This takes us to the Counting Cube. The clock tower first began to lean after the 1667 earthquake. Let’s return to that and go through it. This place has a secret, ... Near the mid-way of the Clock Tower is a door we bypassed in our fervor to see what time it is. They are not very hard to come by; especially if you use the guide. The whole point of this game is to collect the cubes so that you can rebuild the great, holy, awesome hexahedron! Kudos! There's a lot to collect! Make your way up it to reveal the rest of the map for your exploring pleasure. The blue hand moves in minute intervals, … Each hand gives an Anti-Cube for accomplishing a different thing. Let’s get to work. Each of these ten shapes is a way in which a box can be constructed. My name is Kamal, a professional tour-guide based in Fez. (Ruins of Zu) Part 1, Part 11: Is This Lordran? If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with FEZ. The only non-golden rooms on my map are the clock tower, observatory, monolith and security code. (The Catacombs). This place is a bit puzzling, as there’s a bit, clearly, but where is it? Climb and rotate yourself such that you are directly next to the smaller block, then jump on to the exposed vines there. Others who've measured it say it's more like a week. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. – To Mausoleum They’re all pretty fun. As you scale down you will find two cube bits and a full cube. Cube – To get to the top of the time switch puzzle will require a bit more cunning than in previous puzzles. Visit the famous clock tower, Art Deco buildings, and the eleven-story Moretti apartment block on Boulevard Mohammed V. Visit the famous residential blocks of the Glaoui, the Bessonneau, and the Asayag. We’ll tell you both, but first things first! 26: Clock Tower Red Hand Anti-Cube When you reach the top of the clock tower, turn the perspective until you can see the red second hand moving around the face of the clock. As with every hub, there’s lots to do here with all the regular doors. Please see the. (Blue Sky Zone---Broken Arch Branch), Part 6: A Light to Guide Us (Blue Sky Zone---Lighthouse Branch), Part 7: A Cube Assembly Line! but you might not have known what those things were. However, since that happened in the world of Fez, we got: the mobile port, a special edition, a record (that got pressed twice), and a limited anniversary collection. Both solutions are in this guide to help you out. Through the door at the center of the throne we shall first travel because that takes us to the actual Observatory Hub. To find the Tome Artifact you have to go to the museum (near the clock tower) and push the bookshelf in to reveal a secret room. Let’s get a door map going. Up. Puzzle Anti-Cube – Here we have ten different shapes on a big slab and six small blocks. The following video game related articles have been deemed Good Articles, which places them one tier below Featured Articles.An automated, uncategorized list of good and featured content can be found here.This page also includes Good Topics, collections of Good Articles.. â ¢ With only the clock area and telescope areas left to explore in this region, we'll start with the clock area. Anyways, let’s open some doors and grab some bits. This is a block-forming shape that’s not on the board and nets us another anti-cube! This place is pretty awesome, if only because of the huge statue int he center. However, instead of putting it here, we’ll save it for the end. Each action has a corresponding shape, all of which match up neatly with the instructions found in Zunu. Salam alaikom! This place is actually a giant throne with a stone dude sitting in it, cool huh? First up, we’ve got some jumping and bit catching to do. As such, there’s a couple answers to this one, but we’ve picked one that’s super easy. This is a tiny adventure based directly on FEZ, a game by the Polytron Corporation. This is my first one! FEZ is a impressive game and Thanks for making a guide. Water tower secret room The owl room connected to the water tower is one of the only things im missing. It is a fan work, and was not made in collaboration with or endorsed by them. Shift Cipher – Some people call this the Tetris Code, and that’s entirely accurate, so you’re welcome to call it that as well. First of all, you need to know how to move! The shifting block at the top might seem insane at first, but it’s not, just have patience. This place has a secret, ... Near the mid-way of the Clock Tower is a door we bypassed in our fervor to see what time it is. All i was able to find online was that is was an alternative for the qr code map, but i already solved the qr code map and the level is not showing up as complete. Unfortunately, every one’s clock is different, the goal is for the hand in question to be at the 12 o’clock position, pointing straight up. Most of the doors are bits but you’ll notice that one of them has a QR Code puzzle in it. When you reach the room to the west and north of the bell tower, the room that cannot be turned without spinning the totem, there will be a square at the top with opening in … As with every other code you may or may not have solved by now, here’s a cheat sheet for you. Stepping in even deeper you’ll see a room with a massive globe in it. In the 300 years following this event, attempts had been made to re-align the tower. Leave the time change box open until you get to the clock tower in game. It’s tempting to try and go through the fireplace, but this time it’s a no-go. Nah, couldn’t be! The original FEZ soundtrack is composed by Disasterpeace (Rich Vreeland) and consists out of a total of 26 tracks. It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our very favorite riddles, the giant slab with cryptic symbols on it! We must have a certain treasure map to acquire this chest! When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. However, at the moment we’re at the Space Throne, as we like to call it. During the same event, over 5,000 residents of Dubrovnik (two hours North West of Kotor) were reported as dead. (Before the Fez), Part 2: The Village and Beyond! Simply grab three blocks and, while facing the slab markings, place them on just to the right of the elevated area. â ¢ As you ascend the tower, head through the first door to reach an area with a museum. These blocks are always looking at you. The player-character Gomez lives peacefully on a 2D plane until he receives a red fez and witnesses the breakup of a giant, golden hexahedron that tears the fabric of spacetime and reveals a third dimension. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. This guide WILL have spoilers, so be careful! The bit is at the top, the doors are all over the place. Push it once to rotate it, then rotate left to see the bit exposed and grab-able! Note that there is still a cube bit in the Sewer QR Room you still need to grab. After that, get ready to have to do some tinkering. Because you may not have been there yet, the full connection between these two things will be posted at the very top of the SPOILER ZONE here in this guide page. This place has a secret, so let’s keep it marked in our brains for when it comes time for the SPOILER ZONE. Look straight down at your feet and there you have it, a code for you. There’s actually two of these, so let’s keep it moving on to the next place. When you jump onto the bottom block, the two will start to fly at each other. Again, to save you some time, here’s the code: Alright, now that you’ve been to Zunu (or you should have by now) we’ll explain how the Shift Cipher works. Where the Clock Tower series always employed its notion for being the victim in a stalker’s nightmarish world in a very mundane and ordinary fashion, Haunting Ground does so with a zing. Ahh, space. Presto! What’s more insane is this gigantic clock with… four hands? Polytron ha pubblicato oggi su Xbox Live la patch di Fez che va a eliminare diversi bug all'interno del titolo Live Arcade, come potete leggere in calce. You’ll notice as you rotate that each area has two constellations that look like Tetris pieces. Part 1: The Journey Begins! Then, repeat the process here, and every other time you see one of these! Secret Study Jump down to the chest and open it for an artifact and an achievement! (Intro Zones), Part 3: Blue Skies and Crying Waterfalls (Blue Sky Zone --- Waterfall Branch), Part 4: Something Rings A Bell... (Blue Sky Zone --- Bell Tower Branch), Part 5: How Can Arches Float? Then, jump from the pillar to the left, then following the pattern described on the map. Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. So. Each piece, as we now find out, corresponds to a particular movement or action including moving in any direction, jumping, and shifting left or right. You did an amazing job here! Let’s move on, shall we? Its visuals, mechanics, and puzzles are all based off those in the original. This time, we’ll have to rotate up, then jump onto the vines of the big block. If you can’t download QR codes or don’t want to, here’s the code: Our first actual door will take us to Telescope 1, where we’ll have our first encounter with the Time Switches. Shift 180 degrees, stand in front of the bookcase, and press Left Ctrl to reveal a secret doorway! Stroll the labyrinth of narrow streets lined with jewelers and artisanal shops. The grey one takes longer. For example, if it's at the bottom, move the clock forward 12 hours. On PC, A and D are what this guy put as Lshift and Rshit, Thanks for clearing up a few of my hair-pulling confusions :). Secret Study Jump down to the chest and open it for an artifact and an achievement! A night in The Koepel costs €90 per night. © Valve Corporation. This guide reveals all! Play through the starting part up until the game "crashes" the first time. That's pretty much it. Here are some links to other areas you can explore: – To Sewers Here we have a big museum looking-like building and some messily strewn about platforms. Make your way to the other side of the spires to find a door, which you should go through. Cube – At the top of this place is a cube and a warp gate. This also works vice versa. Wind up the time shift puzzle to raise the pillar-platforms then climb to the top for a cube. Thank you so much for this guide. Kelly's Heroes is a 1970 comedy/war movie made by MGM.It stars Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles, Donald Sutherland, and Carroll O'Connor.. A squad of American soldiers in World War II France learn about a secret stash of German gold in a bank deep behind enemy lines. Here it is: Shift Left, Jump, Shift Right, Up, Down, Shift Left, Shift Right, Jump. Or, you could just check our code: Right, Shift Right, Left, Shift Right, Shift Right, Jump, Jump, Right. Then, while facing the massive spire while it has all its ivy facing you, jump onto the rock. The clock tower first began to lean after the 1667 earthquake. See WP:RECOG for configuration options. The 33-anti-cube glitch is fixed!!! Go ahead and time switch your way to the top then grab that shiny cube. If an article is missing from the list, make sure it is tagged (e.g. But wait, there’s more! Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives. It also contains a FULL COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH!!! Developer Etienne Perin Genre Action/Adventure Status Cancelled According to the description beneath the game’s video teaser (embedded below),…