Catechins in the green tea, reduce the absorption of iron by our bodies and this can eventually lead to anemia. The mountain tea is a valuable herb that grows in the mountain regions of Greece. Greek mountain tea is an herbal tea that has many potential health benefits. Greek sage is a plant. There are oodles of weight loss supplements which have ingredients that carry adverse side effects. Also, there is no danger of dependencies. Mild and smooth without any bitterness, it's caffeine-free and packed with high concentrations of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients. This tea contains antioxidants and flavonoids, and might even help reduce pain. The scientific name of this romantic looking perennial is Sideritis Syriaca (Ironwort) and it is a member of the mint family. The mountain tea is a valuable herb that grows in the mountain regions of Greece. Greek Mountain Tea has been used to remedy symptoms of colds and flu viruses, gastrointestinal issues, curing some ulcers, and the scientific literature even indicates it is helpful to reduce cognitive and memory decline due to aging. The name comes from the Greek words “oros,” meaning mountain, and “ganos,” meaning joy. After all, let’s not forget that the global promotional and advertising machine is in constant patrol for the “sanctification” of just another product. Sideritis also known as ironwort, shepherd’s tea and mountain tea is a genus of flowering plants widely known for their use in herbal medicine as well as an herbal tea. Green tea supplements are commercially available. mountain and Pelion mount, known also as tea of Olympos. While the studies helped support the use of Sideritis for its heart health benefits, further research is needed before Greek mountain tea can be considered a treatment for cardiovascular conditions. Then I because disoriented and did not respond to someone speaking to me. Take 15% Off, Greek Mountain Tea May Help With Menopause Symptoms, Thyme: Properties, Traditional Health Benefits & Suggested Uses, Bay Leaf: Therapeutic Actions And Ways Of Use, Saffron (Or Crocus): 8 Proven Health Benefits, Find Coupons at The leaves are used to make a medicinal tea. Its analgesic and healing action combined with its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial action makes it ideal for washing wounds both externally and internally, as an infusion or as tincture. Also, there is no danger of dependencies. Certain herbal teas, like Greek mountain tea, can provide a boost to our daily intake of phyto-nutrients. Greek mountain tea is a potent source of two important classes of phyto-nutrients – polyphenols and flavonoids, both of which contain significant antioxidants. Other Common names of the plant are Balkan Sideritis, Bulgarian Viagra, Ironwort, Greek Mountain Tea, Mountain Tea, Pirin Tea, Mursalski Tea and Shepherd’s Tea. Greek mountain tea is an herbal tea that has many potential health benefits. Inhibits amyloid plaque (Alzheimer’s sign) in animals. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Green tea supplements are commercially available. It stimulates gastric secretions, so it works well as a digestive. Although this is not yet fully established, several studies have shown that the consumption of Greek Mountain Tea helps prevent osteoporosis. Also in 2012, “Planta Medica” published an animal study on the effects of Greek mountain tea on gastrointestinal health and disorders. Greek Mountain Tea; Green Tea; XLS Medical ... Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a weight loss product that actually worked and had few side effects? are limited to traditional medicine . This special tea is historically known as “Shepherd’s Tea” because Greek shepherds would make a brewed tea out of the plants while directing their flocks on the hillsides. Of course, Pharmaceutics often come with side effects that can range from uncomfortable to totally unacceptable. DÁFNI Wild Greek Mountain Tea. As mentioned earlier, humans have consumed it since ancient times, and have found it beneficial and safe. The strong healing and regenerating action of this herb, makes it ideal for use on wounds, while protecting from infection, due to the antimicrobial and antibacterial action. KirIan Greek Oregano – The Taste & Smell Will Guide You, Name Day – Elena (Helen) Celebration! Although the mountain tea extract had a lower phenolic concentration and total antioxidant capacity than green tea in the study, their cellular antioxidant effects were similar due to comparable bioavailability. The way we prepare Greek Mountain Tea is very simple, yet we need to keep in mind that it should not boil, otherwise its ingredients will be destroyed. And unlike many other teas that have similar claims made about them, the benefits of this tea, which also goes by the name “Sideritis” and “Ironwort”, are actually backed by studies on animals and humans. Greek mountain tea is a potent source of two important classes of phyto-nutrients – polyphenols and flavonoids, both of which contain significant antioxidants. The Greeks reach for it when they feel the onset of a cold, when they are struggling with digestive issues, or when they need something to help them relax and unwind. As a drink, it is delicious and very aromatic even plain. Instead of individual tea bags, Klio’s Greek Mountain Tea comes in a big bag and looks like something you might gather from the side of a hiking path. Instead of individual tea bags, Klio’s Greek Mountain Tea comes in a big bag and looks like something you might gather from the side of a hiking path. Warm up some water and right before it starts boiling retract it from the fire. Greek Mountain Tea: Sideritis Scardica Health Benefits, Recipes Sideritis tea, which is also known as Greek mountain tea or ironwort, can be found in every Greek household. Greek Mountain Tea is the new green tea. Although the mountain tea extract had a lower phenolic concentration and total antioxidant capacity than green tea in the study, their cellular antioxidant effects were similar due to comparable bioavailability. Two doses (475 mg and 950 mg) of Sideritis Scardica (SS or 'mountain tea') are investigated for cognitive, mood, blood pressure and cerebral blood flow effects in a healthy group of 50-70 yr olds, both acutely and following 28 days of consumption. And rather than simply steeping in hot water, you actually boil Greek Mountain Tea to extract the perfect amount of flavor and antioxidants. The tea is aptly named: The plant used to make it is found on rocky slopes at elevations over 3,200 feet. People in Greece have always associated mountain tea with warding off or fighting illness, as it is considered an extremely beneficial beverage which not only is … The plant grows in mountain rocks (central part of Balkan Peninsula, Greece, Albania, FYROM (Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia), Bulgaria, Serbia and Turkey) (Heywood, 1972; Petreska Hippocrates wrote highly of the hot beverage made with this herb that grows in the mountains of Greece. This knowledge is passed on through generations and today dozens of documented studies, from modern medicine and science, are confirming the health benefits of herbs. Mountain Tea is a valuable herb that thrives on the Greek mountains. Care to re-consider now what is your cup of tea? Greek Mountain Tea has been known for it's healing and preventative qualities for centuries and today, scientific studies are proving this to be correct. In theory, mountain tea might increase the risk of blood pressure dropping too low in people prone to low blood pressure. Greek Mountain Tea is also called Sideritis spp. It is also one of the few herbs that have no contradictions nor side-effects due to over consumption, making it an excellent choice to enjoy safely, in cold winter and hot summer days, warming or refreshing our body and shielding our health. Accessories : Our Shelgo Tea teaware selection includes the Shelgo Tea Infuser , … However, there has been no research into the effects of Sideritis on pregnant and nursing mothers so it is essential to exercise caution before drinking the tea. That was the premise behind XLS Medical. People take Greek sage tea for sore (inflamed) mouth and throat.. Greek sage is sometimes found, though rarely, in common sage (Salvia officinalis) as a contaminant. Greek Mountain Tea has been known for it's healing and preventative qualities for centuries and today, scientific studies are proving this to be correct. It is rich in iron and therefore, protects us against anemia. Greek Mountain Tea – Sideritis Health Benefits and Side Effects October 29, 2020 September 26, 2019 by Joonas Greek mountain tea, also known as Shepherd’s Tea and ironwort, is a herbal tea made from the Sideritis plant. An animal study in Turkey examined the antioxidant effects of this species and found out that it has protective chemical properties that fights off the cell injury that might induce cancer. Alternatively, you can add: greek oregano oil, oregano capsules, greek oregano oil pills. Greek mountain tea is rich in caffeine, which acts as a stimulant of the nervous system, but there are traces of theobromine, a diuretic, which acts … Particularly the Greek species, Sideritis euboea and Sideritis scardica, known as Greek mountain tea (τσαι τoυ βoυνoυ), have a long history in traditional Mediterranean medicine, yet most of the medical uses of Sideritis spp. The systematic consumption of the Tea has been proved to be detoxing for several vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys. This study aimed to evaluate its gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory activit … Here’s to your good health and well-being! are limited to traditional medicine . There are zero reported side effects in the both the scientific and traditional medicine literature! It significantly soothes problems of the respiratory system and improves cardiovascular function because it works as an anti-thrombotic. With zero unwanted side effects! Particularly the Greek species, Sideritis euboea and Sideritis scardica, known as Greek mountain tea (τσαι τoυ βoυνoυ), have a long history in traditional Mediterranean medicine, yet most of the medical uses of Sideritis spp. And rather than simply steeping in hot water, you actually boil Greek Mountain Tea to extract the perfect amount of flavor and antioxidants. KirIan Greek Mountain Tea from Mount Taygetos. Take a look at this list: That’s right. A half dose is recommended for children.Use: Pour 1-2 teaspoons in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes, strain and drink. It fights hypertension and it is highly tonic. People take Greek sage tea for sore (inflamed) mouth and throat.. Greek sage is sometimes found, though rarely, in common sage (Salvia officinalis) as a contaminant. Greek Mountain Tea Side Effects For Alzheimer’s Treatment. Dizziness, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate could be some of the side effects. studies performed on the effects of Greek mountain tea on various gastro-intestinal disorders. Sideritis scardica Griseb. Mountain tea contains no caffeine and is generally considered safe for use. Final Note More and more research has indicated the miraculous properties of Greek mountain tea and its contribution to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, which causes the degeneration of brain cells. There are different types of oregano. Greek sage is a plant. First Things First: History of Greek Mountain Tea. Sideritis scardica Griseb. While the studies helped support the use of Sideritis for its heart health benefits, further research is needed before Greek mountain tea can be considered a treatment for cardiovascular conditions. peloponnesiaca on cerebral regions of adult mice. Caffeine is usually associated with coffee, but 4- 5 cups of green tea per day could lead to various health problems such as anxiety, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, irregular heartbeat etc. In Greek, ‘sideritis’ means ‘iron’ and it is said that the name was given after the healing effect of the plant on the wounds caused by iron weapons. Greek mountain tea, "Sideritis scardic " (translated as 'he who is made of iron') also known as ironwort, mountain tea and shepherd's tea and has been enjoyed for 1,000 years for its pharmaceutical properties and biological activies that are beneficial to our human bodies.. Sideritus species, the plant found in the Greek mountain tea, has been extensively researched on. Side Effects and Recommendations There have been no side effects reported, even in overdose cases. I went to the hospital ER, where they did all kinds of tests — CT scan of my brain, EKG, blood tests. If we translate the amount of extract used for mice into the one used for humans, the daily consumption has to include 4 litres of Greek mountain tea, while maintaining consistent quality. New scientific studies in Germany are close to prove that the Greek Mountain Tea is protecting against Alzheimer’s. Researchers in Turkey found that Sideritis caesarea amongst other herbs had the ability to treat the symptoms of peptic ulcer The Greeks reach for it when they feel the onset of a cold, when they are struggling with digestive issues, or when they need something to help them relax and unwind. Sideritis also known as ironwort, shepherd’s tea and mountain tea is a genus of flowering plants widely known for their use in herbal medicine as well as an herbal tea. Greek mountain tea is as potent as green tea (Camellia sinensis) at inducing cellular antioxidant defences and preventing oxidative stress. (ironwort, mountain tea), an endemic plant of the Balkan Peninsula, has been used in traditional medicine in the treatment of gastrointestinal complaints, inflammation, and rheumatic disorders. Side Effects and Recommendations There have been no side effects reported, even in overdose cases. The strong healing and regenerating action of this herb, makes it ideal for use on wounds, while protecting from infection, due to the antimicrobial and antibacterial action. German research on Greek mountain tea, also known as ironwort (sideritis) and Tsai tou Vounou, strongly indicated that it can prevent or even reverse Alzheimer’s disease: “By drinking mountain tea for six months, patients with Alzheimer disease reduced the disease to the level it was nine months ago and then it stabilised.” This tea contains antioxidants and flavonoids, and might even help reduce pain. Health benefits of Ironwort. All the goodness and healing from a natural and safe herb! Traditionally, Greek mountain tea was used to improve psychological balance, to increase mental strength and to prevent age-related problems. (Traditional Medicinals brand). Generations of Greeks have long sipped it as a remedy for ailments from the common cold to digestive issues. It’s a scientific fact that Greek Mountain Tea can be more effective for some health conditions than pharmaceutical drugs! Linardaki ZI(1), Vasilopoulou CG, Constantinou C, Iatrou G, Lamari FN, Margarity M. Author information: (1)Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology, Department of Biology, University of Patras, Patras, Greece. Greek Mountain Tea – Sideritis Health Benefits and Side Effects October 29, 2020 September 26, 2019 by Joonas Greek mountain tea, also known as Shepherd’s Tea and ironwort, is a herbal tea made from the Sideritis plant. Origin: Greek mountain tea (Sideritis) is organically grown on Mount Pindos in the village of Paramero at an altitude of 1300 meters and is collected by hand by the small producer Vassilis Anagnostou. Greek Mountain Tea: Sideritis Scardica Health Benefits, Recipes Sideritis tea, which is also known as Greek mountain tea or ironwort, can be found in every Greek household. No side effects of the extract or the tea have been identified. One of the big problems with treating any disease with pharmaceuticals are unwanted and undesirable side-effects that can sometimes be very uncomfortable or even toxic. German research on Greek mountain tea, also known as ironwort (sideritis) and Tsai tou Vounou, strongly indicated that it can prevent or even reverse Alzheimer’s disease: “By drinking mountain tea for six months, patients with Alzheimer disease reduced the disease to the level it was nine months ago and then it stabilised.” Due to its anti-oxidant action, it inhibits the growth of cancer cells. I felt sick, almost nauseous, for a few moments, after drinking Mountain Tea which was made with Lemon Balm and Caraway Fruit. Without any added ingredients, colorings, or flavorings is made using the leaves. Are zero reported side effects and Drug Interactions be detoxing for several vital organs, such as the and! It since ancient times, and “ ganos, ” meaning mountain, and might even reduce... ( Helen ) Celebration with joy and happiness ) Dizziness, increased blood pressure close to that... 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