The current beanie is a knitted type of hat, but is still described as above. BANDINO HAT - ( 1930's ) Woman's large-brimmed hat. These types of hats are still popular today. A soft round cap, usually of woollen felt, with a bulging flat crown and tight-fitting brimless headband. Colored tuft on top. BLUEBONNET - Broad, slat cap of dark blue wool, woven in one piece. Also BASQUE BERET, PLUMED BERET, TAM O' SHANTER, PANCAKE BERET, MONTGOMERY BERET. Also ZUCHETTO, YARMULKA, SCHOOLBOY'S BEANIE or DINK. In 17c., the tall top hat, made of silk in imitation of beaver. These types of hats were worn by deer hunters. CARTWHEEL - Woman's hat with very wide, stiff brim and low crown, 1940-1950. hair styles and MOBS. Named after folding top of calash or light carriage. Find more ways to say cowboy hat, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Customized by creasing the crown and rolling the brim. A chef hat, also sometimes referred to as a toque-blanche, is part of a chef's uniform. CHAPEAU - ( sha po ) - French word for outdoor head covering. At first it was fitted close to the sides of the head, later the brim flared upward and forward in front. This is a list of various kinds of hat, contemporary or traditional. the name indicated that a mixture of wool and rabbit fur had been added to these types of hats. But on the other end of the spectrum, you want to avoid ultra-short names or acronyms like "n" or "ne." These type of Hats consists of a flat-topped, medium-high crown gathered into a headband. A soft felt hat with a medium brim and lengthwise crease in the crown. Dutch woman's cap of lace or muslin. Worn to protect the wearer while riding in the new open auto mobiles over dusty roads. Ancient Moslem headdress. The chaperon was made up over a stuffed roll or ROUNDLET. Fr. Narrow tartan headband. Each then takes a seat on a stool and the hat is placed on his or her head. See CALOT. See QUAKER HAT. DOLL HAT - Name given to small types of hats in various styles and materials. When you hear the word toboggan, you might think of a long, flat sled popular throughout Canada, northern Europe, and the upper reaches of the United … These types of hats were introduced about 1864 for children, then worn by women. A soft cotton hat with a wide, downwards-sloping brim. Usually has a button centered on top. In 1938, term used for a soft hat with crushed crown. Traditionally, this type of hat … BEGUINE, a cap worn by nuns ) A coif like cap, with ties under the chin, 16c. Named for Luca della Robbia's 15c. A pilgrim's hat, cockel hat or traveller's hat is a wide brim hat used to keep off the sun. A rounded rigid helmet with a small brim predominantly used in workplace environments, such as construction sites, to protect the head from injury by falling objects, debris and bad weather. A round, flat visorless hat worn by sailors in many of the world's navies. CAPOTE - ( ka pote ) - Close fitting bonnet with rigid brim, either of straw or boned into shape. Below, you will find a list of many different types of hats that have been recorded in the history of Millinery. These type of hats were worn by coal and dustmen at the time 1928-30, COCKED HATS - A hat with a folded or turn-up brim. In New Zealand, Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, the term "Stocking Cap" (and more recently, the misnomer "beanie". Popular from the 1870s, but particularly associated with the, Round, rolled wool hat with a flat top, common in, Also known as astrakhan hat in English, a male wool hat worn throughout the. Monogram & Name Necklaces Beaded Necklaces Chains ... Stocking Hat Knitting Tutorial, Long Hat, Pom Pom Hat pixiebell. BEAVER - A hat of various crown and brim shapes. CALASH, CALECHE - ( ka lash ) - Large folding hood supported by hoops, designed to be raised or lowered over the exaggerated 18c. Listed are many different types of hats, spanning over centuries, and each have different means of technique to produce. CAPUCHON - ( kap yoo chin ) - Medieval pointed hooded cape, the top stiffened down the center. Favor Hats: Less luxurious than classic plush hats, felt Santa hats are nevertheless traditionally styled with a folded white cuff and white pom-pom tip. COWBOY HAT - Originally a felt hat worn by cattle herders. CASTOR HAT - ( kas ter ) - From French word for beaver or rabbit. Also TYROLEAN HAT. Seen in portraits of aristocrats of the period. These type of hats are very much in vogue at the moment and have been for several years. CHARACTER HAT - Late 1970's rumpled tweed hat worn by New York Senator Pat Moynihan. The brimless hat covers the entire head of hair to eliminate any stray hair from falling into the dishes being prepared. A skullcap made from a man's felt fedora hat with the brim trimmed with a scalloped cut and turned up. Red hat with short, rounded crown and broad flat brim. While this is not a complete list, I am still discovering more as my research continues and I suspect that I will be researching for the rest of my life. CHIGNON CAP - ( shen yon ) - A little cap worn over the bun or coil of hair at the back of the head. They were fat, ugly men with wicked faces [...] dressed in a long black coat which was called a frock coat, and a queer, shiny hat shaped like a stovepipe, which was called a top hat. BIGGIN - ( big in ) - ( der. The hats were traditionally made from the sennit straw with a wide grosgrain hat … CHOU - ( shoo, French word for cabbage ) - Rosette of tulle, lace, velvet, or ribbon used as ornament on hats in the late 19c. BASHLYK - ( Ancient ) Round-topped felt bonnet, with lappets. CHAPLET - ( chap lit ) - Circle of fresh flowers, later fashioned in gold and enamels in Age of Antiquity. CABAS ( kah bas ) - Version of PHRYGIAN BONNET brought out by Sally Victor in 1956. FAUX FUR HATS - Many types of hats covered in fake fur instead of fabric. Stocking caps are … A flapper age, boyish style. Capeline is also the given to felt and straw blanks ready for blocking. CAUBEEN - ( caw been ) - Irish slang term for an old and shabby hat. The CAVALIER hat had the crown circled with jewelled necklace or a gem encrusted silk band. The petal scalloping or dagged or castellated edge was a variation. The hat is battered and old; it's patched, frayed, and extremely dirty. You are at work, after all. French regiment of Zouaves, organized in 1831, adopted the red felt chechia. A close-fitting skullcap worn by religious Jews. After Napoleon's Egyptian campaign in 1798, the French Foreign Legion adopted the curtain like headdress for desert warfare. A type of soft, light cotton cap with a rounded crown and a stiff, frontward-projecting bill. BOURRELET - Originally a twisted scarf or turban worn on the helmet. BICORN or BICORNE - ( by corn ) A variation of the cocked hat, appearing around 1790, and supplanting the TRICORNE. Also BALMORAL. Also known as a "Cowboy Hat". Made of felt, wool or other fabric. Brush on top of center front. Developed, since 13c., out of a cap formed like the modern beret. Enter your list of names or numbers - and the hat will pick a random result! BAKER BOY HAT - Refer to Newsboy hat, BALACLAVA - A type of headgear which probably originated in some cold mountainous country in Asia. COPOTAIN - A hat with a tall conical crown and moderate brim 1560-1620, CORNET(TE) - 1800-1840 indoors cap with a puffed and sometimes pointed crown, gathered into a broad band around the face which continued under the chin. Also STETSON. Oblong shaped, stiff material which dips over the forehead and drapes in back, worn over a coif. Gutrahs are plain white or checkered, denoting ethnic or national identities. This hat probably has a real name. BEEFEATER - The narrow-brimmed hat worn by the British Yeomen of the Guards and Warders of the Tower of London since the 16c. AUSTRIAN SPORTS HATS - Also known as TYROLEAN. Typical cotton white cap named after Mahatma Gandhi 'father of nation' of India. Soft, shirred crown , ribbon bows tied under the chin, Victorian 19c. CAPE HAT - Half hat made by attaching fabric or felt to a bicycle clip. Also BEANY, DINK, DINKY. A knit cap, originally of wool (though now often of synthetic fibers), is designed to provide warmth in cold weather.Typically, the knit cap is of simple, tapering constructions, though many variants exist. BEEHIVE - High, tapered crown, Shaped like a beehive. BALMORAL - ( bal mor al ) - The Scotch BLUEBONNET of the highlanders. CAVALIER HAT, CHEVALIERS - (17C. ) A soft conical cap pulled forward. A larger beret style was a favourite of King Henry VIII during the sixteenth century. term for the padded roll worn by both men and women as a base for a headdress. It seems that kings were being poisoned left and right by indignant chefs, so in order to placate them and make them feel special (thus hopefully eliminating the desire to poison the leader), they were presented with a unique piece of headgear.Around this same time, chefs spent a great d… BROADBRIM - Term is nickname for Quaker, Friend. CRESPINE, CRISPINE - ( Gothic ) A development in the RETICULATED HEADDRESS, consisting of the tight golden headband to which the CAULS were attached on the sides. It is known as a boater hat, straw boater, skimmer, sennit hat, and many other colloquial names. A hard felt hat with a rounded crown created in 1850 by Lock's of, A woman's hat with round crown and deep brim turned upwards all the way round. FASCINATORS - A romantic name for a long knitted or crocheted scarf-like hood that came down over the shoulders 1865-1910 More recently refers to a small headpiece. When the invasion forces landed, Greek chefs fled to nearby monasteries for protection, eventually wearing the garb of the monks to fit in. Instead, long before the French adopted the hats, one popular origin story dates back to circa 146 BCE, when the Byzantine Empire invaded Greece. A party hat is generally a playful conical hat made with a rolled up piece of thin cardboard, usually with designs printed on the outside and a long string of elastic going from one side of the cone's bottom to … portrait of the infant Stuart prince by Van Dyck. Sale Price $2.75 $ 2.75 $ … A hard style of hat, usually worn by men, dating back to the 1900s. CASQUE - ( kask ) - French for helmet. BUSH HAT - Wide-brimmed man's felt hat, turned up brim at one side. Also BERRETTA, BIRRETTA, BIRETUM, BARRET-CAP, BARETTE, BERET. DEERSTALKER - Sportsman's tweed, or cloth, cap with visors in front and back and earflaps outside and tied on top. Rank was designated by the number of tassels which terminated the cords. A traditional stocking cap has a conical shape, is long and normally features a pompom or tassel at the end. This hat … A conical hat, similar to the Dunce cap, often worn at birthday parties and New Year's Eve celebrations. A soft, round wool or tweed men's cap with a small bill in front. BRETON SAILOR - ( bret on ) - ( French, bretonh ) Woman's hat with a brim that turns up evenly all around, originally a masculine hat worn by the Bretons.. BABUSHKA - ( bah boosh ka ) - Russian word for grandmother. In 1850, Queen Victoria and her Prince Consort made the Aberdeenshire, Scotland castle of Balmoral their summer residence, The Queen dressed the prince in the Highland costume and created a fashion. COWL or CAPUCHON - ( Medieval ) Monk's loose, pointed hood attached to a cloak. BUTTERFLY HEADDRESS - ( 15c.) A woman's hat resembling an upturned fruit basket. (14c. ) Picking names from a hat is a time-honored holiday tradition. In 1956, Sally Victor came out with a BIBI style. This was gradually sewn into place as a hat. These type of hats are usually of straw. CAMBRIDGE - A variation of the Bowler hat with a flat topped crown. A floppy pointed red hat trimmed in white fur traditionally associated with. In the 16c., the BAVOLETTE was a piece of fabric that was folded and attached to the cap, with the folds projecting over the forehead and hanging down in the back. Usually worn forward and tilted above the right eye. Also BILLYCOCK, BOWLER, CLOCKER, COKES. Also THERESE, GAUZIER, BASHFUL BONNET. It's Random! Worn by Europeans in the 18th century. The Canadian company’s LTM6 Airflo Hat is just that, i.e., a versatile hat … A headdress consisting of a scarf-like single piece of cloth wound around either the head itself or an inner hat. Also SHERLOCK HOLMES CAP, FORE AND AFT, DUCKHUNTERS. A sailor cap worn in several navies, of white canvas with an upright brim. Italian ) A large, dome shaped cap. Another word for cowboy hat. French headdress consisting of hair rolled over pads. CHILD'S PUDDING - These types of Hats with a strong brim ( bumper ) acts as a shock absorber when the child is learning to walk and tumbles. Usually woven in one piece. It was worn tilted well forward. $11.99 $ 11. A 15c. DORMEUSE - ( French for "sleeper" ) In 1770's, a cap of shirred lawn worn at night, with plaited ribbon, held on by a ribbon tied on top of the head. BOUDOIR CAP - ( boo dwar ) - Softly shirred cap with a lace ruffle. Also JOCKEY CAP, DIRECTOIRE BONNET. In 19c., and 20c., a cap worn to cover undressed women's hair. In sculpture, paintings and caricatures it represents freedom and the pursuit of liberty. Most current dictionaries do not record any offensive meaning ("an unskilled laborer or porter usually in or from India hired for low or subsistence wages", Millinery Madness: Hat Makers With Attitude,, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. COSTUME HATS - Many types of Hats which are worn for theatrical performances or for Fancy dress events. Headgear has been common throughout the history of humanity, present on some of the very earliest preserved human bodies and art. CALOT, CALOTTE - ( ka lot ) - Small, round skullcap. Frank Olive brought out a version in 1979. Also MORTARBOARD. CRINOLINE HAT - A hat with a lacy effect made from Crin, These types of hats are usually made with a combination of other materials. This was the uniform of the … Generic term covering wide-brimmed felt-crowned hats often worn by military leaders. CAP - Of ancient origin. In 17c., worn under wig or as night cap over shaved head. I love all hats and to list every style I would have a massive list, and as I don't profess to know them all, I will list those that I do know, and as you read on, you will see how many types there really are. And sewn black and khaki dried palm braids with indigenous figures, cut in gores to make it the! Term for an old and shabby hat dolly VARDEN - a cloche hat with,..., short, cryptic names … enter a list of many different of... Bodies and art stylish sleeping caps for men and women as a base a!, RETICULATED headdress, CREPINE, CRESTINE, CRESPINETTE FORE and AFT, DUCKHUNTERS the neck magic random hat (! E lin ) - a small puffered caul set high on the inside, and dirty... Are a distinctive part of Austra… auto MOBILE BONNET - ( 14c.,,. Light, warm & stylish sleeping caps for men and women as a symbol of BERET cap with brim. The petal scalloping or dagged or castellated edge was a favourite of King Henry VIII during the reign! 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