Examination of the Peripheral Blood Smear.docPage 1 of 7 Printed 1/14/13 Created Lisa Senzel Asst. Blood Smear Preparation Properly prepared blood smears are essential to accurately assess the patient's status. Alcohol-based stains, such as Giemsa or Leishman, are suitable for both thin and thick smears and are most commonly used in better equipped labora-tories with availability of well trained personnel. Staining of blood smear. Place the blood film on a tray or drying rack. The blood films must be laked before or during staining to rupture all the RBC so that only WBC, platelets and parasites are visualized. The thin film allows for the observation of RBC morphology, inclusions, and intracellular and extracellular parasites. THICK BLOOD SMEAR / THICK BLOOD FILM ⇒ Diluting the Giemsa Stain for Thick Blood smear: For staining the thick blood smear the Giemsa stain is used in 1:20. Species identification of malarial parasites may be difficult Flashcards. An angle greater than 30° makes the smear thicker; less than 30° degrees will produce a thinner smear. Preparation of blood smear 6. MAKING OF SMEAR Smear simple mean the preparation of sample for microscopic examination on a microscopic slide. What happens when spread too slow-spread the blood too far-can carry WBC to feather edge-cause a thin smear. Dip fixed smear to Field Stain B (Red Stain) for 5 to 6 seconds. APPARATUS: 4-5 glass slides, compound microscope, pricking needle (blood lancet), spirit swab, cedar wood oil/liquid paraffin, Leishman’s stain, wash bottle, buffered water and staining tray. A thick blood smear is a drop of blood on a glass slide. Created by. 6.1 Preparation of thick and thin smears for staining 6.1.1 Place 6 μl of blood for the thick film and 2–3 μl for the thin film as shown in the figure below [Figure from WHO methods manual 'Microscopy for the detection, Version 1.1.1, 10 Mar 2019 F.07a Blood smear preparation and staining Page 4 of 7 Thick blood smears are most useful for detecting the presence of parasites, because they examine a larger sample of blood. The staining was conducted using Giemsa staining for the thick and thin smears. Preparation of a thin and a thick blood film on the same slide. Examination of blood smear . A thin blood smear is a drop of blood that is spread across a large area of the slide. Most of the microfilaria are asymptomatic in clinical disease. Dry in the air. A thin blood smear is a drop of blood that is spread across a large area of the slide. For the WHO method, 10 μL of EDTA blood was distributed on a circular area of a microscope slide (Figure 1).The slide was dried and stained for 20 minutes in a 20% Giemsa solution (Giemsa R-Solution, Merck, Darmstadt; Titrisol Puffer pH 7.2, Merck, Darmstadt). Thick and thin blood smears were also prepared using the conventional method on glass slides. Prepared by ; Ibtisam H. Al Aswad ; Amany S. Al Hindi ; 2 Aim of blood smear. KaitlynRasm. Preparation of thick blood smear. Thick blood smears are most useful for detecting the presence of parasites, because they examine a larger sample of blood. A carefully prepared blood smear is vital for an accurate differential count. A thick blood smear is a drop of blood on a glass slide. Dip smear into Field Stain A (Blue Stain) for 10 to 30 seconds (adjust it). Match. 3. Speed, angle and drop size can be varied slightly to produce a good smear. Meet Onco-life cancer centre's best hematologist in Pune, to clear all the doubts about Blood Clotting Disorders, visit Onco Life Cancer Centre. If too thick, the cells appear too round to properly identify. 1. A blood film—or peripheral blood smear—is a thin layer of blood smeared on a glass microscope slide and then stained in such a way as to allow the various blood cells to be examined microscopically. 2.5.2 Thick and thin blood lm preparation ... Well-made thick blood lms are evenly spread, have 10 15 white blood cells (WBCs) per high-power eld (HPF) on average (though this may vary depending on the WBC count and the eld number FN of the ocular lens) at 1000× magni cation, and are free of … To make a 1:50 dilution of Giemsa stain, add 1 ml of stock solution of Giemsa stain to 49 ml of phosphate buffer solution in a clean Coplin jar. Detection of microfilaria in blood. Blood Smear Preparation. After preparation, the smear should be labeled and dried (air dryer or waving method). Preparation of blood smear. This test provides information about the number and shape of these cells. 3. The angle will also affect the results. Prof. - Clinical Path 1/10/2013 Replaces 5/08 HEM 3.2.5 Procedure: Examination of the Peripheral Blood Smear (How to Perform) PLAY. If the slide has been stored in spirit, ensure that all the spirit has been thoroughly washed away with water and the slide well dried with a soft, lint free cloth or paper tissues. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view 4/10/2012 Approved Lisa Senzel Asst. The blood smear test or peripheral smear test is a type of blood test that is done to procure detailed information about the number and shape of blood cells.This test focuses on the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Learn. Spell. Value of blood films ; Examination of thin blood films is important in the investigation and management of anaemia, infections, and other conditions which produce Make blood smear on a clean glass slide and it is dried in the air. Take a dust free, grease free microscope slide. Thin blood film 2. Alternately, EDTA anticoagulated blood may be used if the smear is made within one Title: Blood smear preparation and staining 1 Blood smear preparation and staining. (Often there are few parasites in the blood at the time the test is done.) Wet film preparation; Thick blood smear preparation (At night, 10 pm to 2 am) Thick smear This is type of smear is make by dropping 2-2 small volume of blood sample on a clean grease free slide and make a circle like a kobo shape.As shown in the thick blood smears. Blood smears can be made from the blood remaining in the needle by pushing a small drop of blood onto the slide with the last evacuated tube. A thin blood smear is a drop of blood that is spread across a large area of the slide. Dry Mount: The dry mount is the most basic technique: simply position a thinly sliced section on the center of the slide and place a cover slip over the sample. Terms in this set (11) Purpose of a stained blood smear ... -thick/thin smear. Appearance of an Acceptable Blood Smear The perfect blood smear has a feathered edge that is nearly square, has a rainbow sheen when reflecting the light and is exactly one cell thick in the feathered edge when viewed microscopically. Tags: thick film, thin film. A thin blood smear is a drop of blood that is spread across a large area of the slide. Preparation technique, therefore, is of the utmost importance in the blood … The blood smear is a simple blood test. Write. A phlebotomist, a person specifically trained to draw blood, first cleans and sterilizes the injection site with an antiseptic. Wash in running tap water. Prof. - Clinical Path 5/9/2008 Revised Bruce Kube Day Heme Tech 1 10/23/2012 Reviewed Jay Bock M.D. In malaria-endemic regions, thin and thick smear prep-aration are used to diagnose malaria, but examination of Fixation of blood smear. Too large a drop creates a long or thick smear, and too small a drop often makes a short or thin smear.