His eyes are bright blue. Muddled Up Fairytales: When everybody else is too busy for him, Whyatt has no clue what to do by himself. Baby Joy, Jack. PBS Kids Learning Games / part 3. The superhero had to be redesigned to avoid further copyright infringement re-using his final design from. So he then goes on to prove it. Die Folgen erzählen von den Abenteuern eines Buchklubs, der seine Alltagsprobleme durch die Geschichten in den Büchern löst. He wears a green leotard/bodysuit with blue coloring between his elbows to the wrist and underneath his gold belt. Proto spinning Icon (animation) linux-rules. Wonder RED. Whyatt wants to grow up to either be famous, or become a comic book maker/writer. Später wurde die Serie auch im britischen und griechischen Fernsehen gezeigt. He shows responsible, leaderly skills and is very smart for someone his age. The Story Of The Tooth Fairy: Whyatt loses his first tooth but wishes to keep it. Whyatt is a young boy with tan skin, dark blue eyes, and short brown hair that seems to be about ear length with his bangs pulled to the sides of his head and a single two-part tuft on the right side of his head, where his hair seems to be parted. The Great Robot Race: Whyatt and Puppy want to win the Porridge race but puppy struggles but they soon learn that they can invent some new ways to aid them. Jack Beanstalk: The hero from "Jack and the Beanstalk". Whyatt is a disgusting disgrace that is a disgusting nerd. Over his eyes is a green eye mask. Super Why can also use it to highlight the words he is going to read. CARTOONS. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Here's a fun craft I made for him: Whyatt's Super Mask and Why Writer. ist eine kanadisch-amerikanische Fernsehserie. SUPER WHY ABC ADVENTURES! C $38.01. Super Why! Die Erstausstrahlung erfolgte am 3. Januar 2021 um 10:36 Uhr bearbeitet. "with the Power to Read!" If you need a rush order, please do not purchase without discussing with me. Super Why! Whyatt will do whatever he can to encourage them or make them feel better, being very empathetic to others feelings. The show teaches kid… Super Why! Lot Squishmallow Kellytoy 8" Plush 2 Pack Styles Vary Stuffed Soft Toy Gift Kids. For episode information, please visit the Episodes page. CARTOONS. smochdar. Während sie die Ereignisse der Geschichte durchlaufen, stoßen sie auf Hindernisse, die gelöst werden können, indem ihre Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten eingesetzt werden, um die Geschichte zu ändern. She is the only daughter of Mrs. Beanstalk and Beanstalk Mr. Beanstalk. C $31.71. Wyatt lives in Storybook Village with his friends. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Originally in "The Story Of The Super Readers", Super Why's why-writer took the form of a pencil. So the group goes search for the tooth fairy to ask how to do this. She is often depicted with a red helmet or hat. They always love to role-play with the characters of the show, and my son's favourite character is Whyatt. Whyatt, younger brother of Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, who transforms into Super Why! He then learns it was because they were planning a surprise birthday for him. $14.99 $ 14. September 2007 bis zum 21. 8 Favourites. Biographical information. Playing next. Whyatt is a friendly and helpful boy, against all odds he'll always try to turn around any bad situation he may be faced with. and also the leader of the Super Readers, a group of storybook children who save the day by solving problems and diving into the storybooks in hopes of creating a happy ending while solving their own problems at the end of every adventure. Single. He wears a green leotard/body suit with blue coloring … Super Why! Super Why can also use it to highlight the words he is going to read. Joy Beanstalk is Jack and Whyatt's adorable and beautiful baby sister. Wyatt and his pals usually have to solve a problem by looking into a story and solving a puzzle. Make Your Own Super WHY! Log in … Blue. Species. $23.99 $ 23. This video is about super why whyatt made a mess and cleans up in jacks room 31 Favourites. Ever since the show ended, he re-appeared as a mascot of the security software "Protegent 360" as "Proto" with various different voices in each ad. Male. It's often been guessed/said that Whyatt is Hispanic. Tim Whyatt 2002-2020. Whyatt's name was most likely inspired by his question mark symbol, as well as his name is spelled "WHYatt". 4.2 out of 5 stars 78. The appearance of Whyatt's superhero alter-ego is inspired by the famous DC superhero, Superman. 9 (season 1-1) 10 (seasons 1-3) Eye color. She also is easy to please. Pokemon Sword Shield -Okoya Zarude & Shiny Celebi + Ash's Cap- Serial Code Card. In the second season, Whyatt almost seems to be bigger than the others. Whyatt is the natural born leader of the group who everyone turns to in the times of crisis or need, but even he is bound to make a couple of mistakes along the way. Created by Angela Santomero. Joy Beanstalk: Whyatt's adorable and pretty baby sister who often cries or becomes saddened. pbs kids. https://superwhy.fandom.com/wiki/Whyatt_Beanstalk?oldid=10015, A purple and green themed baseball uniform. Just slightly does Whyatt's voice change while he is Super Why, but in the syndicated version, his voice doesn't change. Her normal outfit consists of a red parka with white lining, pocket flaps, and a string at the center of her neck, a red pleat skirt, and red shoes with short white socks and built-in rollerskates. The Foolish Wishes: Whyatt gets to buy a new toy but with so many choices he has no clue what to pick. Super Why's Why Flyer is deep blue in color and resembles a typical plane with engines on the top. The Cookbook: Whyatt wants to bake Joy a special cake but had no idea how to make one. - Woofster's Puppy Day Care - Super Why Games - PBS Kids. Goldilocks and the 3 Bears: The Mystery: Whyatt is accused of breaking the strings on Jack's guitar but he knows he's innocent. 2:09. Mai 2016 ausgestrahlt. Compared to the others, Whyatt seems to be the calmest of them and is rarely every upset or angry. The Super Readers enter Whyatt's comic book centered around Woofster and his friends, the Pet Pack, and their search for a missing princess. She also does a lot of the housework and tends to Baby Joy. Compared to the others, Whyatt seems to be the calmest of them and is rarely ever upset or angry. Whenever Jack gets angry or upset with him, it hurts Whyatt a lot. 6:00. | Whyatt Makes a Birthday Cake | PBS KIDS - YouTube The Big Game: Whyatt wants to improve his baseball skills but keeps missing the ball. Using both his reading abilities and his special why-writer, Super Why can always save the day! September 2007 auf CBC Kids (Kanada) und PBS Kids (USA). SUPER WHY! Tiddalick the Frog: Whyatt is told from his mother that he keeps wasting water but he doesn't know how to fix it. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Super_Why!&oldid=207593359, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The Prince and The Pauper: Both Whyatt and Princess Pea are unhappy in their current homes but learn that no matter what, home is where the heart is. Whyatt comes from a family of three children and he is the middle child and youngest boy. For safety when riding in it, Super Why puts on a dark blue helmet. Normally Whyatt wears a dark blue polo shirt with white markings and green sleeves, along with khaki jeans/pants, and tennis shoes. Oktober 2012 gezeigt. He learns that in order to play better he must practice. The Boy Who Drew Cats: When Jack got sick Whyatt wished to draw him a picture in hopes of making him feel better but he didn't know what to draw. The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Whyatt's entire family refused to believe him when he said Joy spoke. Join the world's largest art community and get personalized art recommendations. August 2015 bis zum 12. Inhalt. There is also a glass part in front of Super Why. 12 Favourites. COMPROMISE March 16, 2016 85 98 "Mathis' Book of Why" Pig and Princess wonder... why they can … Insgesamt entstanden 103 Folgen. Mrs. Beanstalk: Whyatt's mother. Chances are you’ve seen the odd Whyatt cartoon floating around in … For the books used in the series please see: Books List. Squishmallow Kellytoy 8” Seth The Orange Panda Super Soft Plush Toy. Am Ende des Abenteuers fliegen die Super-Leser zurück zum Book Club. 1. | Whyatt's College Sleepover | PBS KIDS - YouTube Die Super Letters werden auf den riesigen Computerbildschirm gelegt und als „Super Story Answer“ geschrieben. Chances are you’ve seen the odd Whyatt cartoon floating around in cyberspace over the years. Relatives. In stock on January 30, 2021. He also carried a silver shield. Aliases. Roxie's Missing Music Book: Whyatt's comic book is Missing, The Cowgirl Mystery: Whyatt's game board is Missing, Super Why's original design from Season 1-2. 99. Er zieht Parallelen zum Problem, das die Super-Leser zu lösen versuchen. Die Musik stammt vom Kollektiv Eggplant. Laquandaknh. Though when it's his own problems he may take need a few minutes to determine how to fix it exactly but he can quickly tell when he messed up. Around the World Adventure: Whyatt meets a girl older than him at school who comes from another part of the world. Red has lightly tanned skin and a a scattering of freckles below each brown eye. Goldilocks and the Three Bears: When showing Jack's room to the viewer Whyatt accidentally made a mess of his bedroom and made his older brother angry with him. The series is still currently rerunning and has reached 103 episodes in total. He shows responsible, leaderly skills and is very smart for someone his age. Whyatt Super Why from Super Why! 20 Comments. Family Personalize Super Why Whyatt Birthday Shirt is already pre-shrunk and enzyme washed to give it the smoothest and softest feel you'll ever wear. Family Personalize Super Why Whyatt Birthday Shirt is a great birthday idea! Using both his reading abilities and his special why-writer, Super Why can always save the day! Just slightly does Whyatt's voice change while he is Super Why, but in the syndicated version, his voice doesn't change. He wears a green leotard/body suit with blue coloring bet… Whyatt turns into "Super Why", a typical super hero with the power to Read. Together they go on magical adventures and become reading-powered superheroes. 6:39. SUPER WHY! Whyatt Becomes Super Why | PBS KIDS. Twas The Night Before Christmas: Whyatt wished to learn more about Santa. Nicholas Kaegi replaces Nicholas Castel Vanderburgh as the new voice of Whyatt and Super Why due to Vanderburgh's age when he left the show after. Mr. Beanstalk: Whyatt's father who works with Mrs. Beanstalk. Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. It is possible, but not confirmed, he’s hispanic by the color of his skin. Using both his reading abilities and his special why-writer, Super Why can always save the day! He works on the book's illustrations. Folgen wurde vom 3. For Character information visit their pages. She has long brown hair worn in low pigtails held by red scrunchies with her bangs loosily brushed at the center of her forehead. Whyatt is a friendly and helpful boy, against all odds he'll always try to turn around any bad situation he may be faced with. Place of birth. She supports Whyatt with everything he does. Super why plush - Super why wyatt excellent qulity Medium sized plush toy - 10cm size officially sold by Blue Boost. The City Mouse and The Country Mouse: Whyatt becomes very sad when Jack is leaving for college. Though it is mainly his head. Some fans believe that Whyatt has a crush on Red its possibly true. Whyatt's friends are very important and dear to him too! Please include name and age the notes when you purchase. C $19.02. Die Hauptfiguren besprechen dann ihr Problem im Book Club.